Instead, their voices have a slight flange to them that helps to match the roughness of their bodies. The dev team scrapped it because they believed it would be distracting.
According to Mark Meer (the voice of male Shepard), the turians were going to make clicking noises when they talked. This was cut on the basis that no-one would ever import a save with just one of them and it would complicate future plots. Both characters can be modded into later missions (including the endgame at the Citadel), but they can't both be imported into the sequel, as the game locks up when the player meets them at Horizon.
At one point in the original game's development, it was planned (and uncovered, via a file in the PC version) that the player could save Ashley and Kaidan during the Virmire mission, with both of them commenting in a cutscene afterwards about a "stunt" Shepard pulled to get them out safely. Castelon was ultimately cut due to a lack of time, and most of the assets intended for the planet was repurposed for the Bring Down the Sky DLC. The planet Therum is called Caleston in the beta, and rather than searching for Liara as in the final version Shepard and his squad were instead to rescue a colony of miners.
Notably, however, it also gave the player the ability to play as your squadmates (and make Shepard a computer-controlled ally), and the combat interface was much more intricate and involved than what eventually appeared in the final version.
The beta version of the game featured a number of elements that were not included in the final product, including a different default character model for the male Shepard (before they brought Mark Vanderloo on to provide the face-capture model), a different voice actress for Ashley, different default armor for Garrus (who also does not wear a visor over his left eye in this version) and a completely different Galaxy Map.