How to update mods
How to update mods

how to update mods

You need to open the file with the id number of the mod you want to change. Remember that number I had you find? Here is where you need it. These are really just txt files, so you can open them with any old text editor. In this folder you will find a whole bunch of. C:Usersyour_nameDocumentsParadox InteractiveStellarismod.The URL for the page has the number steam uses to identify the mod at the end of it. Now, how do you fix this? Start by going to the mod workshop page. The author will likely post a link to another mod and leave that one for legacy or update the version himself when it’s ready. Remember that mods can be updated fairly often if it’s an active author. From my experiments, it looks like steam does not actually update mod files unless you unsub or the mod author makes an update of some kind, so you should only need to do this when you unsub or Stellaris or the mod are updated. So here’s a guide to doing that on your own. Stellaris updates so often that mod authors often don’t bother to update the version number even when that is all that needs to change. ID’s for the New Relics (Ancient Relics Story Pack).How to Make a Successful Empire (MegaCorp DLC).

How to update mods