Yet another for my ever growing series of Wild West buildings and props, this time the Prospectors Bank, the essential place for all those Sims who got rich in the Gold Rush to keep their money, and for those deperate outlaws to have somewhere to hold up! The bank is presented here as a 1x1 Landmark Lot, C$$2 and C$$4 1x1 lots, and a prop. Pollution at centre: 3,2,5,0 (air, water, garbage, radiation) Pollution at centre: 2,2,3,0 (air, water, garbage, radiation) My aplogies if this leads to people having to download this file twice.

The original texture was taken from an aerial photograph of the existing building, but I agree that it looked too tiled, hence this revision. This is the updated version of the model and lots, updated following a comment that the roof texture appeared too tiled. If you use this prop in your own releases please do not include the prop with your release but instead point your dependency to this file. The livery and blacksmith is presented here as a 2x2 Landmark Lot, C$$3 and C$$5 2x2 lots, and a prop. Another for my burgeoning series of Wild West buildings and props, this time the Livery and Blacksmith, the essential place for all those Sims to stable their tired horses, or to have them re-shod.